Christmas Meal
Planned for Thursday 21sth December
Dave is planning to run another session covering the basics of photography by zoom, please let him know if you are interested.
Annual subscriptions for 2023/2024 season are now due
The new Calendar 2023-2024 season is available as a PDF file. Updated.
We are including critique sessions, when time permits, during normal club evenings plus two dedicated evenings during the season…
There are number of photography exhibitions included in this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
We have started putting up banners around Kelso in preparation for the new season starting on 7th September.
We have arranged a Workshop/Tutorial with an experienced photographer/trainer in Edinburgh.
The club has decided to introduce a new competition for the 2023/24 season, it will be held over four rounds with each member entering 3 images per round and the scores totalled across the rounds to find a winner…
Ian has been looking into options for a trip abroad for the camera club next year.