Last updated: 19/09/2024 Graeme Webb

General Rules

  • 1. Only paid up members can enter any competition.
  • 2. All images must originate from a photographic image (or images) taken by the member. The use of stock images or the use of advanced Generative AI tools where entirely new images or image elements are built at pixel level using non-photographic processes are not permitted. The person entering the image must hold the copyright for the image and all component parts.
    AI-enabled algorithmic automation of basic imaging processing (including for example exposure optimisation in-camera, the cloning of a background, removal of photographic noise or removal of subject elements), are allowed, all such modifications must be the photographers own work.
  • 3. In all competitions the judge’s or judges’ decision will be final and no appeal allowed


  • The committee will provide some simple guidance for each theme but will aim not to strait-jacket members to a very narrow content.
  • General Rules 1, 2 and 3 apply to the theme competitions.
  • For each theme a member can enter 1 projected digital images (PDI) except where this is varied by the committee for a specific reason.
  • Each image has to be given a file name with your membership number plus the title relevant to that image and not simply the file name automatically allocated by the camera/software.
  • All images entered must be taken in the club session usually running from 1st June of one year to the end of May the following year unless the specific theme permits any variation.
  • Images must be a JPEG and must not contain any identification of the author.
  • Entries must be in before the deadlines which are published on the website.
  • There are no restrictions to the editing / manipulation permitted (other than those in General Rule 2 above) except for occasions where the committee exercises its right to vary them for a specific theme or competition.
  • Where the committee exercises its right to vary these rules any such variation will only apply to the single individual instance. Subsequent themes / competitions will revert to the standard rules.
  • Points will be awarded to the three top theme images
  • A points table will be kept and the member with the most points at the end of the session will win the John Anderson Cup for a year.
  • Winning images (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will be displayed on the Club website. By entering a competition you are giving your agreement for this.
  • In the event that the Club may only meet online, images should be sent to the Competition Secretary or other person identified to be the contact


The Wildlife competition was set up in memory of Club member, Avril Peoples, an active member who sadly died in a car crash along with her husband. Avril’s main interest in photography was Wildlife and the committee decided that this was an appropriate way of keeping Avril’s memory alive. The Winner will receive for a year the “Avril Peoples’ Memorial Cup”.

  • General Rules 1, 2 and 3 apply to the wildlife competition
  • Members can enter up to a maximum three projected digital images.
  • Wildlife does NOT include any domesticated animal or pets but can be animals captured and kept in zoos, etc.
  • Each image has to be given a file name with your membership number plus the title and not simply the file name automatically allocated by the camera/software.
  • An image can be taken at any time but cannot be an image entered in any other Club competition in the past or has won another competition at any time.
  • Images must be a JPEG and must not contain any identification of the author.
  • All entries must be entered using a USB pen (memory stick). Closing dates will be notified to members.
  • There are no restrictions to the editing / manipulation permitted within the limits of Rule 1.
  • The committee exercises its right to vary these rules from year to year according to need and/or clarification.
  • The committee reserves the right to appoint the judge(s) annually for this competition but normally it will be Avril’s son/daughter or son and daughter.


The landscape competition was inaugurated by the first Chairman of the re-invented Kelso Camera Club Ken McKillop and was to encourage members to improve their photographic skills when taking landscape images. He is the judge of the competition and will, whenever possible, attend a Club meeting to give the results and provide feedback to participants.

The term “landscape” will be interpreted for this competition as any image where the majority of the content is clearly land and NOT urban or sea or coast.

  • The winner will win the “Blackbox Trophy” and retain it for a year.
  • General Rules 1, 2 and 3 of the general rules apply to the Landscape competition.
  • Members can enter up to a maximum of three projected digital images.
  • Landscape does not include any image where the majority of the image is either urban or coastal.
  • Each image has to be given a file name with your membership number plus the title and not simply the file name automatically allocated by the camera/software.
  • An image can be taken at any time but cannot be an image entered in any other Club competition in the past or has won another competition at any time.
  • Images must be a JPEG and must not contain any identification of the author.
  • All entries must be entered using a USB pen (memory stick). Closing dates will be notified to members.
  • There are no restrictions to the editing / manipulation permitted within the limits of general Rule 1.
  • The committee exercises its right to vary these rules from year to year according to need and/or clarification.


  • General Rules 1 and 2 apply.
  • Members can enter up to a maximum of five images of which the Club guarantees at least one will be selected for the exhibition.
  • The photographs can be of any subject but cannot have been shown in any previous exhibition.
  • There is no time limit to when the photographs were taken.
  • Images for consideration must be entered through the Club’s photo bank (previously Google Drive) by the given date. Images cannot be accepted after that date (intimated on the club calendar).
  • The images must be at a minimum size suitable for printing (print size @ 300dpi)
  • Each image has to be given a file name with your membership number plus the title and not simply the file name automatically allocated by the camera/software.
  • An image can be taken at any time but cannot be an image entered in any previous exhibition.
  • Images must be a JPEG and must contain an identification of the author, e.g. 001_Kelso_Abbey
  • Images should be sized, see website advice notes on this.
  • There are no restrictions to the editing / manipulation permitted within the limits of Rule 1.
  • The committee exercises its right to vary these rules from year to year according to need and/or for clarification.
  • Members of the Public will be asked to vote for their favourite exhibition images (First, Second and Third) during the time of the show. Votes will be allocated by giving three points for a first, two points for a second and one point for a third place.
  • The author of the winning image will be presented with the “The Willie Stewart Trophy”
  • Members will also be asked to vote for their favourite images using the same rules as for the public vote. The winner will receive the “KCC Exhibition Members’ Choice Trophy”.



  • General Competition Rules 1 and 2 apply.
  • Members will be notified of the subject for each round before the start of the season and the maximum number of images which can be entered at least four weeks prior to the competition.
  • Specialist software will show two randomly selected images on screen side by side. Members vote for their favourite with a show of hands, the image with the most votes goes through to the next round and the losing image is knocked-out. This process continues until there is just one winner left at the end.
  • A number of images will randomly be given a bye into the next round to ensure that each round has an even number of images.
  • All images are shown anonymously (with the exception of the winning images announced at the end).
  • There are no restrictions on the subject or age of the image.
  • Do not enter anything which has been placed (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in any previous Kelso Camera Club competitions.
  • Do not enter anything which has previously been included in a KCC Knockout Competition.
  • Images must be a maximum 1600px wide and a maximum of 1200px tall and JPEG format. (Images larger than this will automatically reduced by software so you may want to take control of this yourself.)
  • File names must be in the format membership number_image title,
    For example 099_Kelso Sunset.jpg.
  • The closing date for submission of entries will normally be one week prior to the competition. Members will be advised if this needs to be changed.
  • Images can be submitted on a USB memory stick at a club meting or transferred as a single download via WeTransfer or FromSmash.
  • In the event of a tie during any of the rounds the organiser will have the casting vote.
  • By entering this competition members agree that their images may be added to the club web-site and may be used for publicity purposes with the photographer retaining copyright.


The Wilson Challenge Cup for the MOST IMPROVED MEMBER

The committee will discuss and select one member who had shown the most improvement over the Club session. This member will be awarded the Wilson Challenge Cup and can keep it until the same time the following year.


Kelso, Duns and Selkirk

  • 1. Only paid-up members can enter this competition.
  • 2. All images must originate from a photographic image (or images) taken by the member. The use of stock images or the use of advanced Generative AI tools where entirely new images or image elements are built at pixel level using non-photographic processes are not permitted. The person entering the image must hold the copyright for the image and all component parts.
  • 3. AI-enabled algorithmic automation of basic imaging processing (including for example exposure optimisation in-camera, the cloning of a background, removal of photographic noise or removal of subject elements), are allowed, all such modifications must be the photographers own work.
  • 4. In all competitions the judge’s or judges’ decision will be final and no appeal allowed
  • 5. Each club will submit fifteen digital images and each image must be the sole work of a member of the club entering the image. The number of images may vary from year to year.
  • 6. A member of a competing club may submit a maximum of two images
  • 7. If an individual is a member of more than one of the competing clubs, he or she may submit images for only one club.
  • 8. Images should be a maximum of Three years old from the start of the present season and must not have been entered into any previous inter-club competition.
  • 9. All components of the submitted image must be original works created by the photographer. (see rule above)
  • 10. Images produced during workshops or any scenario where another individual has arranged either the composition, lighting or subject are ineligible for submission.
  • 11. Images must be in .jpg format with maximum dimensions of 1600 pixels on the long side.
    12. Images must include the title as part of the file name but not the name of the author. Authors’ names must be communicated to the host club separately and will not be forwarded to the judge.
  • 13. All images will be collected together and randomized or organized in another arbitrary way before being sent to the judge.
  • 14. Entries must be submitted by the published closing date notified by the host club

Kelso, Earlston and Galashiels

  • 1. Only paid-up members can enter this competition.
  • 2. All images must originate from a photographic image (or images) taken by the member. The use of stock images or the use of advanced Generative AI tools where entirely new images or image elements are built at pixel level using non-photographic processes are not permitted. The person entering the image must hold the copyright for the image and all component parts.
  • 3. AI-enabled algorithmic automation of basic imaging processing (including for example exposure optimisation in-camera, the cloning of a background, removal of photographic noise or removal of subject elements), are allowed, all such modifications must be the photographers own work.
  • 4. In all competitions the judge’s or judges’ decision will be final and no appeal allowed
  • 5. Each club will submit fifteen digital images and each image must be the sole work of a member of the club entering the image. The number of images may vary from year to year.
  • 6. A member of a competing club may submit a maximum of two images
  • 7. If an individual is a member of more than one of the competing clubs, he or she may submit images for only one club.
  • 8. Images should be a maximum of two years old from the start of the present season and must not have been entered into any previous inter-club competition.
  • 9. All components of the submitted image must be original works created by the photographer. (see rule above)
  • 10. Images produced during workshops or any scenario where another individual has arranged either the composition, lighting or subject are ineligible for submission.
  • 11. Images must be in .jpg format with maximum dimensions of 1600 pixels on the long side.
    12. Images must include the title as part of the file name but not the name of the author. Authors’ names must be communicated to the host club separately and will not be forwarded to the judge.
  • 13. All images will be collected together and randomized or organized in another arbitrary way before being sent to the judge.
  • 14. Entries must be submitted by the published closing date notified by the host club



  • The competition will be held on {TBC}.
  • 1. Each club must submit 10 images, numbers 1-8 to be judged, and images 9 and 10 remaining un-scored, and only used in the event of a tie.
  • 2. No member may submit more than two images within their club’s entry. Each submission, including composite images, must be entirely the original work of that photographer and the image should not be more than three years old.
    – Any image out of date by more than 3 years or containing an image or part image that is not the photographer’s own work, will be highlighted and MAY have points deducted.
    – All entries must be entirely the work of the entering member. All components of images must meet this requirement and cannot be obtained from someone else’s work. Images with material elements generated by AI (Artificial Intelligence) are not permitted. An example is the use of “Generative Fill” (as in the latest Photoshop), instead of cloning or “Content-Aware Fill”. “Generative Fill” includes elements sampled from databases of other peoples’ work and is therefore forbidden. Cloning and “Content-Aware Fill” sample from the photographer’s own work, so they are permitted unless stated otherwise (eg the “Nature competition).
  • 3. Image Details:
    – Size – Image files must be prepared in jpeg format with pixel dimensions of 1600px horizontal maximum and 1200px vertical maximum.
    – Colour space – sRGB
    – Quality – Images should be saved at the highest quality i.e. 12
    – Titles – Image file names must be the same as the image titles listed on the entry form.
    It is the responsibility of each club to ensure that the submitted images correspond to the above requirements.
  • 4. KCC images will be submitted to the KCC Competition Secretary, who will arrange the club entry into the competition (KCC file name format membership number_image title, For example 099_Kelso Sunset.jpg)
  • 5. The judge will make his own arrangements for viewing and scoring the images but will not be given club or individual photographer details. On the 17th March, the judge will discuss each image and score out of 20. Whilst images will be shown on a profiled projector, their appearance on the night may differ from the judge’s viewing conditions. This will make no difference to the scores. Two scrutineers will be appointed to check the results and agree on the winning club. In the event of a tie for first place, the reserve images of the tying clubs will be projected and marked on the spot.
  • 6. The REIVER TROPHY will be awarded to the club achieving the highest number of points.
    The MORTON PLATE will be awarded to the image considered by the judge to be the best in the competition.
    Trophies are to be held for one year. It is the responsibility of recipients to have trophies suitably engraved.
  • VENUE: The Border Club
    43 North Bridge Street
    TD9 9PX
  • Entry to the event is FREE; there is a licensed bar for refreshments within the Border Club.
  • Free parking in Morrison’s car park, 5 minute walk from The Border Club.