Software and Street Photography
Reviewing software techniques with Street Photography in mind. This evening is also the deadline for images for the Street Photography Theme competition. Please bring your image on a memory stick.
Reviewing software techniques with Street Photography in mind. This evening is also the deadline for images for the Street Photography Theme competition. Please bring your image on a memory stick.
Including a revision of the standard workflow introduced during the previous session. Today is the deadline for submitting images for the Reflections end of theme competition.
Workshop: Preparation for Exhibition: Help and support getting images ready and Movement Theme end competition
Workshop: Software Techniques This session we are planning to wrap up the work flow techniques we have been discussing this winter. So, as well as revising the work flow itself,…
Software refresh and some new buttons to press. Led by Bill and Graeme.
Workshop on Improving your landscape photographs using Photoshop and Elements. Bring your laptop and a selection of images to work on.
Based on concepts introduced in the previous meeting, working on your images using Camera RAW. Bring your laptop and some images to work on.
Workshop: Introduction to Camera RAW covering basic processes especially relating to travel photography