Last updated: 16/08/202 Graeme Webb

Here you will find details on how to submit your photo entries and a summary of the pixel resolutions for various competitions, themes and the annual exhibition.

For the rules and guidelines, please ensure you refer to the Competitions and Theme Rules page.

All images should be in sRGB colour space and in JPG format (saved at high quality).


How to Submit Images

Please submit images to our competition secretary, Wendy Richardson, or competition organiser advised for specific competitions.

Images must be received by the competition secretary, or organiser, before midnight on the day of the deadline.

They can be by brought to a club night on a USB drive.  Alternatively, if you’re unable to attend:

  • Send via email to loading... Subject Line: State the name of theme or competition

  • Or transfer them via WeTransfer 
    If sending by transfer it is good practice to email the competition secretary/organiser to let them know that you are sending images, and to let them know the name of the theme or competition.


Club Themes

There are no specific dimension requirements for the club themes. Some judges like to ‘pixel peep‘ and so you might choose to submit a high resolution version to allow this. Alternatively a resolution suitable for digital projection with some good display sharpening might be preferable.


High Resolution (pixel peeping ready)

Around 3000px on longest side


Digital Projector Ready

Maximum 1600px on the longest side



Club Annual Exhibition

Standard Print: 15″ x 10″ @ 300dpi (4500px x 3000px)

Custom Print: 16″ x 12″ @ 300dpi (4800px x 3600px)

Square Print: 12″ x 12″ @ 300dpi (3600px x 3600px)



Borders Digital Challenge

Maximum 1600px wide and 1200px tall



Three Way Competitions

Maximum 1600px on the longest side

More three way competitions rules and guidelines



KCC Landscape & Wildlife Competitions

Same as club themes.


Knock Out Competitions

Maximum 1600px on the longest side