As we made our way down through Glasgow on Tuesday 8th January 2016 heading for the beeb the rain stopped. While in Gordon Street Norman spotted a photo opportunity as he thought it reminded him of Chicago. What do you think?
We continued through Glasgow and late in the afternoon just before sunset Norman and I visited the BBC studios in Glasgow to take some long exposure photos especially the view behind the BBC newsreader of the squinty bridge and all the reflections. I had arranged this previously with the beeb. We were warmly welcomed by Pauline and taken to the open air roof terrace which was surrounded by glass. As we set up our cameras the sun was just going down and huge blue and red searchlights came on in the roof terrace and any photos we took had reflections galore in them from the glass. What a bummer.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#e0dede” size=”2″][su_divider[/su_divider]
However, Norman managed to post process one and the end result is as shown here. I failed miserably to process the reflections out of my photos. We learned later that a circular polarising filter might have helped. You live and learn.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#e0dede” size=”2″][su_divider[/su_divider]
We then headed down to the walkway and the squinty bridge where the armadillo and other buildings including the BBC were reflecting some amazing colours onto the Clyde.

Squinty bridge and aunties rival
Photo by Alex McSorley , Edited by Norman Dodds
Published on BBC’s website January 2016
[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″][su_divider[/su_divider]The camera settings for the aficionados suggested by my accomplished pal were:
- Camera set in Av (Aperture mode) and the camera set the shutter speed
- ISO 100
- Tripod – this is essential with a timer or remote release
It was our intention to try with “f-everything”, which we did but then settled for aperture f8 which was Norman’s call. Worked a treat.
As I photographed the amazing reflections, Norman was heard to be counting down his shutter speed and then zooming in for a fraction as he neared the end of his exposure time, then doing it again, in fact 4 times. What a tip. I would never have thought off that. Nice one Norman. The next 2 photos show you our fun with zoom. Amazing is the only way to describe it.
[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″][su_divider[/su_divider]We then crossed the footbridge and headed along the North side of the Clyde and took some photos of the SSE and the squinty bridge walkway with cyclists flashing lights being captured but as if by magic the cyclists are nowhere to be seen.
[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″][su_divider[/su_divider]A thoroughly enjoyable and fun day where I learned loads from Norman on our practical camera long exposure shoot. I can’t thank him enough.
And to finish the night off a Glesgae fish supper and a drink of our other national drink. Not bad. Enjoy the photos.
Alex and Norman