Peloton. The Tour of Britain approaching Kelso.
Photo: Alex McSorley
You may or may not know that one of the Kelso Camera Club members has had a large number of his pictures published in a variety of publications over the last few years.
Alex McSorley has been contributing regularly to the BBC, The Scotsman, The Herald and The Southern Reporter and, over the years, has had over 20 pictures published. The latest of course is this fine picture of the Tour of Britain peloton approaching Kelso that Alex took last week. You can see the picture on the BBC website here.
Alex told us: “I don’t get paid for them. I just get the satisfaction of them being published and the occasional person saying ‘saw your photo in the paper'”.
We would be really pleased to be able to celebrate other club members’ successes in either getting published, or completing photography courses, or any other achievement with their pictures. Just let us know if you’ve got good news to share!
Here’s a selection of Alex’s other published work.

Published Southern Reporter 2013 Melrose in the mist.
Photo: Alex McSorley

Published Scotsman October 2013
Photo: Alex McSorley

Published on BBC website 28.9.12
Photo: Alex McSorley

Deer on Arran 2012. Published in middle pages of Daily Record as finalist in Visit Scotland competition 2012.
Photo: Alex McSorley