Introduction to Portraiture – James

Portraiture has fascinated humankind since the birth of art, and is one of the most popular genres of photography. Capturing the personality, mood and essence of a person is a constantly inspiring and challenging endeavour. The goal of this theme is to explore the world of portraiture using styles or techniques that add another dimension to…

Speaker Richard Aspinall

Richard Aspinall will talk about his photography and judge our animals theme. More info here...


Back to Basics & Story Panel Introduction

Theme definition: "A collection of 3 or more images which convey or depict the story of a scene/event/place etc." Deadline: 11th June 2020

Macro/Close Up Theme Introduction

Theme definition: "This theme is all about using the minimum focusing distance of your lenses to your advantage. The detail and the use of Depth of Field (DoF) will be key." Deadline: 7th November 2019

Members Show and Tell

Please bring along an item of interest to show the other members. Alternatively show a website, youtube video, talk about something, etc. Anything photography related will be welcome!

Macro & General Photo Critique Night

Members should bring Macro images for critique, along with any other photographs they would like to receive feedback on.

Macro Practical

Bring along your camera gear as we will be exploring the world of macro. Cameras, macro lenses, extension tubes and flashes - whatever you have. Make sure to bring a tripod too.

Fun Night

A fun night run by Moira and Jackie

Lighting with Flash

DEADLINE - Macro theme hand-in Lighting with flash presented by Graeme.

Still Life Introduction by Zoe Meadows

Zoe will introduce the Still Life theme. Theme definition: "Images depicting inanimate objects, usually in small groupings, may also include live objects that don’t move eg. food and cut flowers." Deadline: 23rd January 2020

Still Life Practical

Bring along your camera gear as we will be practising still life photography.

Photo Review & General Photography Critique Night

Bring along your still life photos for review and critique. Also a general photography critique night, so bring along any photographs you would like to have reviewed. DEADLINE - Bring in your Christmas card photos!

Photo Challenge Fun Night

Dave & Vicky will be running a fun photo challenge night; an exciting new night for the club!

Club Trip Images / Raw Image Challenge

Members Photographs from the Scottish Parliament trip / Architecture RIC Review / RICLandscape. Presenter: Vicky Collins / Watson Crawford

Still Life Practical

Bring along your camera gear as we will be practising still life photography.

Exhibition Photos Preparation

Bring along photos that you're thinking about displaying at the exhibition. Get some critique and get help with resizing, sharpening and adding a border.

Kelso, Galashiels and Earlston – 3 Way Competition (In Earlston)

Earlston Bowling Club Station Road, Earlston, United Kingdom

We will not be meeting at the Abbey Row Centre, we will be attending the 3 way competition between Kelso, Galashiels and Earlston Venue - Earlston Bowling Club Start time - 7.30 pm I suggest as many people attend as possible, this is a great way to learn and support your fellow club members! Formerly:…

Long Exposure Theme Introduction

Theme definition: "An image with an exposure time of one second or longer, with clear moving element to the image." Deadline: 19th March 2020

Long Exposure Practical

Bring along your camera gear as we will be practising long exposure photography.

Photoshop Night

DEADLINE - Exhibition photos to be submitted.

Long Exposure Practical

Bring along your camera gear as we will be practising long exposure photography.

Photo Challenge Fun Night

Dave & Vicky will be running a fun photo challenge night; an exciting new night for the club! Exhibition print review - an opportunity to check your exhibition prints to make sure you're happy. DEADLINE - Long Exposure theme hand-in

Glyn Dewis

Presentation by Photographer & Retoucher Glyn Dewis...

Julian Elliot

Travel Photography presentation by Julian Elliot.


Kelso Camera Club Annual General Meeting

Out & About

DEADLINE - Architecture & Historical Buildings theme and also deadline for the Story Panel. Out & about location TBD


Transform Lightroom and Photoshop. Presenter: Norman Dodds