Introduction to Street Photography

Abbey Row Community Centre The Knowes,, Kelso, Roxburghshire, United Kingdom

Our next theme, Street Photography will be introduced by Alex McSorley, and we'll follow this up with a practical session. Alex has kindly written up some notes on how to go about Street Photography, and on the law relating to taking photographs in public: Street Photography 101 I will not even attempt to define what…

Critqiue Night

Abbey Row Community Centre The Knowes,, Kelso, Roxburghshire, United Kingdom

Software and Street Photography

Abbey Row Community Centre The Knowes,, Kelso, Roxburghshire, United Kingdom

Reviewing software techniques with Street Photography in mind. This evening is also the deadline for images for the Street Photography Theme competition. Please bring your image on a memory stick.

Guest Speaker

Abbey Row Community Centre The Knowes,, Kelso, Roxburghshire, United Kingdom

Details to be announced. We anticipate our speaker this evening will also judge the Street Photography Theme Competition.