Ian Topping, Graeme Webb, Cathy Simpson, Bill Hume, Richard Barwick, Norman Dodds, Nick Prior, Susan Young, Jean Walley
1.00 Apologies.
Alex McSorley
2.00 Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
After some amendments/corrections were made the Minutes of last meeting were agreed – proposed by Norman and seconded by Richard.
2.10 Advertising
Norman to design advert for camera club in Kelso Life, budget of £40. Norman also agreed to produce the poster for the exhibition and send to Ian for printing. He would organise the Exhibition advert for the Southern Reporter.
2.20 Exhibition
Discussed whether we wanted someone to open exhibition but agreed that this was not required. However Ian was to approach the Southern Reporter to see if they would be able to attend the start of the exhibition or if they would print a letter/article produced by us in the paper. Posters – Norman to produce the file as a PDF & send to Ian for printing. Ian to approach the schools to see if any can colour copy them at a reasonable price (we would require approx. 50 x A4). Graeme to organise the large A1 posters for outside the Town Hall. Images for the exhibition will go to Simlab for printing.
2.40 Glencoe
Eight people are going on Friday 15th April although others are welcome but they will need to organise their own accommodation. Hotel rooms are booked for the Friday and Saturday nights. Members to organise transport among themselves.
3.00 Treasurers Report
£863 in bank. Norman has done a fair bit of research and has been amazed at the range of screens available. He quoted some prices but the committee agreed that Norman continue his research and report back to the next meeting. Graeme will also look at different options.
Richard reported that all the spare keys for the cupboard had been cut and distributed to committee members. The cost was £40.
The issue of safety in regard to cables was raised and discussed. It was agreed we needed to address this potentially dangerous situation where members or visitors could trip over cables (e.g. the projector). Graeme agreed to investigate options of reducing trip hazards and report back to the committee.
4.00 Secretary Report
Club Insurance policy in place and covering us for public liability, etc.
Farne Island literature has arrived should the Club wish to go back this year – the literature can be made available to members but the Club itself will not be organising a trip this year.
No questions as yet for “Ask the Panel” although Ian has sent ion a couple.
Nick to link form for questions from website to Facebook.
5.00 Abbey Row Update
In relation to the issues we are having with Wi-Fi, Bill reported that an engineer will complete a detailed site analysis – no news before March but no work undertaken until May. For foreseeable future Bill will get the weekly password from Kate, but the issue of logging on remains. Graeme had suggested buying a data sim for c.£8 a month and a 2gb data box would be £40. This would allow us to bypass the Abbey Row Wi-Fi and use a mobile 4G mobile phone. Graeme can lend his for short term and then we can order 2 sim cards.
6.00 Three Way Competition
Having come first, then second, our performance was on a par with other Clubs. Our new agreed “Selection Process” is working (results show this). Our thanks for all the work Nick and Norman have put into this process and will hold the Club in good stead for the future. It was highlighted that, under the Rules governing the Competitions, neither the Selection Panel nor anyone else other than the photographer may make improvements to submitted images with or without permission of the photographer but can recommend changes to members who in turn can make the changes themselves.
Ian took the opportunity to thank everyone for their efforts in organising and running the two three-way competitions. Our sincere thanks go to everyone who helped. Special thanks go to Susan and Cathy for organising, laying out and clearing away the “feast”. Bill received an email from one of the participating Clubs to say how good the evening was and would be interested as to what our members think.
7.00 Web Site
The idea of having a password entry system has been put on ice. Too complicated and time consuming for what it would achieve. Our site is now open to all. From an analysis of visitors to the website, numbers are good – 100 visitors per week, 200 this week. The Club are indebted to Nick and Norman for all their work is making our website such an asset.
8.00 Selection Process for Competition Images
The new selection process was formally agreed and a paper copy will be added to the Club welcome pack. The new process will be shared with all members.
9.0.0 Critique Sheets
The new sheets have been revised and simplified and are now easier to understand / follow. The final paper has used a wide variety of sources and demanded a significant level of research. Members will be able to use the sheets to critique their own images. Judges can be given this as an aide memoire of what we use. Norman will add version number. As with the selection process, these will be added to the Welcome Pack and put on our website.
10.0 Metadata
There was considerable discussion on the use of metadata. As it can easily be changed, we simply need to trust our members. However it was agreed that no criticism of members, re the use of metadata or anything for that matter can be aired on Facebook. Facebook cannot be used for derogatory remarks, Any member with a complaint should approach a committee member.
The next meeting will be held at Abbey row on 18th April 2016