Present: Ian Topping, Cathy Simpson, Bill Hume, Alex McSorley, Richard Barwick, Norman Dodds, Susan Young, Jean Walley, Nick Prior
1.00 Apologies.
Graeme Webb
2.00 Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
Minutes of last meeting agreed apart from Landscapes can have sea in their composition not “cannot to be predominantly sea”. For external competition rules refer to website. Draft minutes to be sent to committee for changes before posting on website. Agreed by Ian and seconded by Bill.
3.00 Treasurers Report
Richard stated that £783 in black. Membership monies £750 and increase of £436 in weekly subs. Projector cost was £1,680, Insurance £35.85 and public liability £112.
4.00 Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report at this time.
5.00 Final Programme Details
Thanks to Nick and Norman for their hard work. Walter to do introduction to Still Life.
Showing images picked for 3 way Challenge.
Ali Graham and David Kilpatrick to be asked on the Ask the Panel (Ali has since declined due to other commitments) with Nick, Norman and Bill. (Rob Gray to be asked instead of Ali). Cathy to ask members for questions.
6.00 Themes and Competitions
See web site for full details.
3 Way Competitions
21st January Judged by John Leiper and 4th February judged by Ron Bell entries to be returned by 19th January. Kelso to host 2 competitions
Times changed to 19.30 hours, Kate to be informed.
Food and drink to be organised by Susan.
BDC entries to be in by 16th February. Morton running it. 2 images needed from 6+ members minimum. Suggest new selection panel of experienced members, new selections for 19th Jan deadline, same selectors to choose BDC images for 16th Feb deadline. . Bill Norman Nick to choose 15 images for next challenge. Kelso to host 2 competitions
A monthly Curator to choose 6 pictures for website, Jean to do the first month. Members to be invited to be curators in the future. (Alex to be the curator for February)
7.00 Away Days
Any individual member can suggest an outing, etc that they think is a good idea. These can be added to the website and members can then opt in if they wish to participate. The suggestion can also be added to KCC Facebook page.
Anyone wanting to go to go can do so meeting at the pre-arranged place and time. Cathy to get quotes for Glen Coe trip in April
8.00 Web Site
Update. Sign in not yet working as it requires more work. There has been an increase in usage. Members to show website on Face book. General feed back has been very positive. A vote of thanks was given to Nick (and Norman and Graeme) for his impressive work on the web site.
9.00 Club Newsletter
To be discontinued in light of the website.
10.0 Advertising
A member of the Committee was suggested to be in charge of advertising but the committee declined this. However it was agreed that the Club investigate opportunities for it to raise its profile and let the wider public know about us. Kelso.com is Free, What’s on Kelso advertising. Norman to do Exhibition advert for the Southern Reporter. Jean to find out how much it costs for quarter page in What’s on Publication
11.0 Cupboard Keys
At the moment Richard and Graeme have keys. Each member of committee to have a cupboard key – Richard to organise.
12.0 Exhibition
Exhibition Room booked 29th May to 4th June, we have our own boards plus heritage boards. Printing A4 poster agreed – 50 sheets to be distributed across the town and further afield. The maximum exhibits per member will be five (all titled) and a minimum of one. Bill kindly agreed to coordinate. Mounting volunteers needed to help him. Ian to help with programme and order.
13.0 AGM
12th May, Peter Walley to audit accounts Richard to organise.
14.0 Projector Screen and Stand
It was agreed that the Club should investigate the purchase of a quality screen. Norman to do research on costing.
Nick has put all the mugs through the dishwasher and washed the towels. Richard to buy teaspoons. Abbey Row booking to be 18.45 to 21.00. Abbey Row considering new WIFi and the Club will await the outcome of this before investigating further. Graeme has a spare Wifi data hub and is willing to sell it to the Club. Ian to ask Graeme about contract etc.
The next meeting 18th April 2016 no venue decided.