Present: Ian Topping Graeme Webb Cathy Simpson Nick Prior
Bill Hume Alex McSorley Richard Barwick Norman Dodds
Susan Young Jean Walley
1. Apologies. None
2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
Ian welcomed new members to meeting, minutes of last meeting were accepted, proposed by Norman Dodds and seconded by Graeme Webb.
3. Treasurers Report
Richard Barwick is now the new treasurer his report indicated a reduction of funds by £657 approx, this was spent on the exhibition, insurance and other equipment. He had investigated the maximum funds allowed brought up at the AGM, and the bank has stated that there is no limit to the funds held by the club. Bill passed the mandates for the bank over to Richard for Cathy’s signature and stated that all petty cash had been paid into the bank. The question of the cost of the fees was brought up and to be discussed in greater nearer the next meeting AGM.
4. Kelso Camera Club Calendar
It was discussed as to whether or not to continue further investigation into the production of a Calendar using member’s photographs. After lengthy discussion regarding pros and cons it was a unanimous decision to shelve the idea at this time.
5. Summer visits
13th June is the visit to the Farne Islands, members who are going will be informed of the necessary items they will need by the Secretary, all times etc. will also be reiterated.
11th July was proposed to go to see the Kelpies, but as some photographers may want to take night time photographs this will prove a long day so this has been postponed until later in the year. Should any member wish to meet in the Abbey car park at 13.00 hrs. Graeme will be happy to lead a ‘random’ afternoon.
16th August (Sunday) it is proposed to visit the Edinburgh Festival. This is a fixed date so that members with more experience can assist less experienced members. Members to arrange their own transport and it is suggested that we meet at 11 a.m. at the front door of St. Giles; Cathedral. Cathy to email members to find out who needs a lift and who can provide lifts.
6. Programme for 2015 – 2016
A} it was decided that the length of the summer break was too long, and perhaps longer breaks elsewhere in the calendar could be arranged.
B} Speakers are booked, see attached schedule. Nick asked what brief speakers were given beforehand stating that it would be appropriate to be told the how, what, when, and why of a photograph, rather than just looking at pictures. Graeme is to speak to Colin Paris with regard to speaking in June.
C) Committee members were asked for topics for the meetings, and with a wide variety of ideas the following were minuted:
Member’s night, Workshops Tutorials Show and Tell
Critique night Ask the Panel Quiz night.
These will be discussed at the next meeting.
D} Themes for the meetings were then discussed; again a varied list was produced as follows:
Wild Life travel Still life Colour Movement
Long Exposure Minimalist Advertising Stars
Interiors People Skies Food.
Ian and Graeme are to produce a calendar of events to include some of these themes for discussion at the next meeting.
E} The Exhibition will be on the 29th May to the 4th June (??) Cathy to confirm Town Hall booking.
F) Rob Gray has offered to take members on a days sport shoot, this would be an extra to the weekly meet. Members to be told to contact Rob if they wish to take up this offer.
7. Away Days
To be discussed at next meeting.
8. Web Site
Graeme, Nick and Norman are to meet and discuss and reorganise the present web site to make it more dynamic and also user friendly to encourage more individuals to join the club.
9. Club Newsletter
This will be taken on by Cathy but members will be requested to write more articles, a member will be chosen at random to write a report on guest Speakers, or the monthly theme etc. so that the onus is not entirely on Cathy’s shoulder to produce said newsletter.
10. AOCB
Ian read out a letter of thanks from the Margaret Kerr unit for the donations the club had forwarded on to them from the Exhibition.
Due to the lateness of the hour, it was decided that another meeting was necessary to finish the calendar and discuss items not brought up at this meeting.
The next meeting will be held at Norman’s house on Thursday 11th June at 19.00 hrs