Present: Ian Topping, Graeme Webb, Cathy Simpson, Bill Hume, Alex McSorley, Richard Barwick, Norman Dodds, Susan Young, Jean Walley
1.00 Apologies.
Nick Prior
2.00 Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
The minutes of last meeting were accepted, with one revision item 5 should read Sandy Clelland not Peter Paterson.
Cathy had tried to contact The Scottish Photographic Federation on two separate occasions with no response to either phone calls. As other arrangements for insurance had been made she had not tried again.
Minutes then proposed by Graeme Webb and seconded by Richard Barwick.
3.00 Treasurers Report
Richard stated that Abbey Row had been paid £60, and balance in the bank was now £1,904.17. Signatures have now been accepted by the bank, and all bank details are now in order. Expenditure expected are for a new projector and insurance. Was expressed that perhaps Charity Begins at Home could be approached for assistance with the purchase of a projector
4.00 Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report at this time.
5.00 Final Programme Details
Everything is now in order. A total of £100 is required for the first guest speaker. Walter has agreed to do the intro on Still Life. Rob is not aware of his shifts for the week planned for Intro to photographing People so cannot commit himself just yet. Will ask nearer the time. Ian is to do the talk on Travel with Norman, as Graeme away.
6.00 Themes
All themes are now in place, all members to be acquainted with the definitions of them and all judges will be given ‘our’ definitions of the competition themes so that they can be judged by our criteria.
7.00 Away Days
Kelpies-Falkirk Wheel-Kelpies on way home followed by a meal
Cathy to price mini bus for said trip and also to price minibus and hotel for GlenCoe.
8.00 Web Site
Nick is to be commended for his hard work, although Graeme and Norman have assisted it was felt that the majority of the work had been done by Nick and the committee is very grateful for the end product. The web site was discussed in detail, there are still some things to ‘iron’ out like managing photos. Kelso Chambers asked for mention in Visit Kelso site and as it costs nothing this was agreed, although if they asked for photographs this would be discussed at the time.
9.00 Club Newsletter
Cathy to type and send to Graeme for inclusion on web site and for hard copies to be sent to members. Still requesting articles from members.
10.0 Welcome Pack
The welcome pack has not been printed, but will be available for the first meeting in September.
Membership cards have also been printed, thank you Norman and these too will be given out on the first day back to the club meetings.
11.0 Image Bank
Still looking at image bank as Google drive is easily erased but at the moment appears to be the best option. Still problems as to how to identify authors of images. Graeme to delete all images that are at present in Google Drive.
12.0 Insurance
No disclaimer is needed as Bill has organised insurance through Keegan and Pennykidd (?) at a cost of £200 for £5million cover, this will be from the 1st September 2015 for one year.
13.0 Quiz Night
To be organised by Jean and Cathy and Susan, names of teams to be drawn out of a hat, 100 questions to be sourced with some iconic pictures etc.
14.0 Three Way Competition and Landscape Competition
Three Way Competition
Discussion on presentation of photographs to whether photos to be randomised for presentation or not. All images will be collected.
Landscape Competition
Definition of Landscape for the purposes of ‘our’ competitions and themes is:
“Any image where images is wide expanse of natural land. Not urban or sea or coast”
External Competition Rules
All images to be JPEG’s and same size.
Internal Competitions
These images can be either JPEG’s or TIFF’s.
Ian to purchase Kelso Camera Club Member’s Choice cup.
Graeme to leave sound system with Ian for Will Nicholls on 10th September, Will is also bringing items for sale. Cathy to notify members.
Graeme notified Chairman of Abbey Row that the WFI is not good, Password for WIFI to be collected every week, Bill is to arrange to have it emailed.
The next meeting will be held at Norman’s house on Monday 4th January 2016 at 7PM