Present: Graeme Webb Lorna Fleming
Ian Topping Tom McGovern
Nick Prior Cathy Simpson
Alex McSorley Zoe Meadows
Jackie Suckling
1. Apologies
No apologies for absence
2. Minutes of last meeting, the AGM and any matters arising
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by the committee. Minutes of the AGM were agreed by the committee.
A short EGM will be the first meeting that takes place in September as per the constitution, regarding changes to the constitution members will be notified in due course.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Currently in bank £1,089.24. There was a request that any outstanding invoices be presented as soon as possible. There would be monies coming in from members for payment of their prints for the exhibition.
4. Secretary’s Report
The keys have been picked up in readiness for the exhibition at the weekend. The October dates have also been booked. Access to the hall will be from 12 noon and everyone to meet at 2 pm. The projector and screen will need to be taken on Thursday evening and brought to the hall on Saturday morning. The last person to leave the exhibition must remember to inform the Registrar they are leaving each day. The display boards will be delivered on Friday afternoon. This year’s charity is the Riding for the Disabled (Borders Region). It was suggested that the last person take the day’s takings for safe keeping. As usual, there will be voting slips for the public and for club members.
5. Online et al
a) Wi-Fi access: A sim card needs to be purchased.
b) Website: An email address is required for this but Nick pointed out that there is already one in existence “info@kelsocameraclub” and Norman Dodds has access.
c) A survey via Survey Monkey was sent out by GW. Some members received it, some did not.
d) Mailchimp: There were proposals for changes to the website to make it more interactive – mailchimp could be used for this purpose. It was agreed that the Facebook page and group area required maintenance. A check would be carried out to make sure members’ details were up to date.
6. Summer Visits
After discussion, the summer visits were agreed as:
12/6/16 – Town Hall Project – Photo opportunity, Kelso Square 6.30 am start
10/7/16 – Hume Castle
14/8/16 – Edinburgh Festival
7. Programme for 2016-2017
Suggested speakers were Sandy Clelland, Ron Bell and John McVie.
After suggestions and discussion, GW will populate the draft programme and this will be presented at the next meeting.
8. Away Days
22/10/16 – The Kelpies
6/5/17 – Edinburgh Castle
9. Abroad Trip
Gdansk and Prague were both popular so IT will get prices for both before a decision is made.
10. Image Bank
Some members were still having problems with uploading images to Google Drive. It was noted that some camera clubs had their own bespoke software for this facility. NP will investigate alternatives and report back.
11. 2016/2017 Membership Cards
There were sufficient cards ordered previously to allow for new ones to be issued for the next club year.
12. AOCB
A check will be done on who holds keys for the cupboards at the Abbey Row Centre. Another cupboard has been allocated to the club but at present there is no key. It was suggested that name badges be introduced to make it easier for new members to know who everyone was. An alternative method of collecting subs on a Thursday night was discussed and LF will report back at the next meeting. NP will update the committee members list and confirm what details are to be made available to the rest of the club members. JS will look after the provision of tea, coffee, milk, sugar and biscuits for Thursday evenings.
IT said that the grant had been approved for £600.00, so the suggestion to take out the subscription to Lightroom, purchase a new screen and possibly purchase an Elements upgrade could now go ahead.
13. Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 7 pm at the Abbey Row Centre.