Present: Graeme Webb, Lorna Fleming, Nick Prior, Jackie Suckling, Alex McSorley, Cathy Simpson
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Ian Topping
2. Minutes of last meeting, the AGM and any matters arising
Subject to an amendment to the minutes under agenda item 5d, the minutes of the last meeting were agreed by the committee. Proposed Alex, Seconded Lorna. Nick called for a point of order for the submission of the minutes. These should be submitted in the first instance to Cathy who will issue them to the committee subject to any additions or changes.
3. Online et al
It was agreed that the Town Hall Project would appear on each agenda for discussion as KCC are now committed to running with this project. Nick will host a photo opportunity in Kelso a 6.30 am on Sunday 12th June for members to meet and take photographs of the buildings identified for the project. The subject of funding the exhibition was discussed and Graeme will speak to Ian regarding this issue.
a) Wi-Fi access: The sim card has been purchased. It has 12Gb download capacity for the year.
b) The committee had agreed to send out a survey to members on how they thought this club year had gone. Nick will draft a set of questions and liaise with Graeme on their content.
4. 2016/2017 Programme
Graeme had circulated the programme for 2016/2017 filled in from discussions at the last meeting. It was decided to leave the programme with the speakers judging the end of theme photographs. A question will be added to the members’ survey to gauge thoughts on not having the speaker judge the end of theme photos and make it more of a discussion/critique night instead.
The date of 16th February had been left blank with a view to collating member’s suggestions from the survey and adding something from that.
At the moment, agreement had not been sought from Avril Peebles daughter to judge the wildlife completion next year.
5. Exhibition 2016 and Matters Arising
This year, because of time constraints, the members did not get to see their photographs before being printed for the exhibition. A date in next year’s diary will be added earlier in the programme to rectify this.
The Committee was asked to note the great work that had been done in a very limited timeframe by Bill, Ian and Graeme to get the photographs ready for this year’s exhibition. It was also noted the work put in by the members in taking the photographs showed in the quality of this year’s entries.
On the negative side, the set up process on the Friday needs to be streamlined; some said the exhibition felt a bit impersonal; visitors to the exhibition took the programmes away with them; was the slideshow a good idea?
Nick explained the new process for taking down the photographs at the end of the exhibition to avoid getting fingerprints and marks on the mounts and the photographs as well.
The price for each print has still to be calculated and will be communicated as soon as it was ready.
6. Exhibition 2017
It was suggested that we group the same themed photographs together; look at different ways of mounting and displaying the photographs; offer two different sizes i.e. 1 large and 1 small. After discussion, the Committee agreed to go with 4 images together on panels. Once the panels had been erected, a selected group will go along and hang the photographs.
7. SPF Membership (insurance etc)
Graeme asked if members were in agreement to join the SPF this year. Our current insurance expires in August this year and the renewal for SPF is not until October. To make sure the club had cover for the period August to October, Lorna will give SPF a call to see if we can re-join earlier. Committee will wait for SPF’s response before making a decision.
8. Image Bank – Next Steps
After looking into other options, Nick’s suggestion is that we keep Google Drive as it is and amend the online instructions to stop members synchronising the image bank. We would show people how to set up their own Google account and upload their photographs. If members were not confident in doing this, a dedicated person would collect all the photographs for a particular theme and it would be their responsibility to load them into Google Drive. Members would continue to follow the same format for naming their photographs with the title and their initials.
Abbey Row Meetings: It had been pointed out that one of the committee members would need to attend these meetings. The dates were:
6th July
6th September
1st November
17th January
7th March
2nd May
Cathy already attends the meetings in another capacity and would also represent the Camera Club. Alex, Nick and Lorna were all prepared to attend on dates that Cathy could not attend.
Broomlands Primary School is booked for Thursday 23rd June due to Abbey Row being used as a Polling Station.
Most Improved Member Award: The outgoing committee would be canvassed for their views on who would be the person to receive this.
It was suggested that the standard Club Image on the website be re-vamped. This was met with agreement and members would be asked to submit images for this purpose. The re-vamp would take place during the summer and be ready for the new club year in September.
10. Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 13th July 2016 at 7 pm at the Abbey Row Centre.